Useful Guide on Turabian Style

Pay attention to the following guidelines in order to submit properly formatted works in Turabian style.

General Rules


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  • Make 1inch margins, use Times New Roman 12 font and double spacing.
  • The above-mentioned rules may not be applied to footnotes, references, picture captions, bibliographies, block quotes, and reference page.
  • In the Turabian format, the title page is not numbered. In case there is a table of contents, the title page will be marked as “i”.
  • Verbs are used in the active voice.
  • Choose one of the two citation styles, i.e. a Reference Page style or a Bibliography one. Make sure that instructions provided by your teacher indicate which one to select.
  • When you make a reference to the source which data are in footnotes, use Ibid. to make the quotation shorter.
  • The Bible has to be cited in footnotes and not in the bibliography list.

Formatting the Main Body

Below, there are a few variants of formatting headings in the Turabian style.

  • First: centered heading, bold or italicized, the headline-style capitalization is used
  • Second: headline-style capitalization, centered, regular type font
  • Third: flush left, headline-style capitalization, in bold or italics
  • Fourth: roman type, flush left, sentence-style capitalization
  • Fifth: heading is placed at the beginning of paragraph (no any blanks after it, bold or italicized, sentence-style capitalization, period).


  • The second line and all the following lines of each entry have to be indented. You can use a Turabian citation style template to see how everything should be arranged.

Bibliography Page Style


  • Single author book

Writer’s First and Last Names, the Title of Book: Its Subtitle (Publication Place: the name of the Publisher, Publication Date), XX-XX.

  • Book with a few authors

The Full Name of the first and second Authors, the Title of the Book: Its Subtitle (Publication Place: Publisher’s Name, Publication Date), XX-XX.

  • Printed Journal Article

The First and Last Names of the Author, “Title of the Article: Its Subtitle,” The Title of Journal and Volume Number (Publication Date): XX-XX.

  • Article in an Online Journal

The First and Last Names of the author, “Title of the Article: Its Subtitle,” Title of the Journal and Volume Number (Publication Date), the access date, URL.

Organizing a bibliography according to the Turabian style format:

  • Single author or editor book

The Last Name of the author, his/her First Name. Title of the Book: Its Subtitle. Place of Publication: The Name of the Publisher, Publication Date.

  • Book with two and more authors

The Last and First names of Author #1, and the First and Last Names of Author #2. Title of the Book: Its Subtitle. Publication Place: Publisher’s Name, Publication Date.

  • Article in a Printed Journal

Author’s Last and First Names. “Title of the Article: Its Subtitle.” Title of the Journal and Volume Number (Publication Date): YY-YY.

  • Article in an Online Journal

Author’s Last and First Names. “Title of the Article: Its Subtitle.” Title of the used Journal and Volume Number (Date of Publication). Access Date. URL.

There is one standard form of formatting sources in a reference list in Turabian writing style.

Author’s Last and First Names. Publication Year. Title of the Book: Its Subtitle. City: Publisher.