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Critical Essay Writing Tips

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If you are assigned to write a critical essay, it means that you have to write a review of the work of another author. This can be any kind of writing – from a literary or scientific work to an academic project. The purpose of writing a critical essay is to teach students to form their own opinions on various issues. This type of paper consists of the informed opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of the criticized work. In order to make an objective assessment of the work, the reviewer has to take a neutral position and explain his/her opinion, reinforcing it with evidence. When studying in college, you have a huge advantage, as you can write on the topics that interest you and you have some knowledge of. Therefore, one has to choose the topic very thoroughly. Another important detail is the need to avoid the presentation from the first person, because your task is not to share your own opinion.
The first thing that you have to remember when writing a critical lens essay is to make your issue interesting for readers. Many students often do not have time to read all the original works that the professor assigns, and have to read the reviews to form their own points of view on a particular subject. In order to form the reader’s interest, it is important to come up with an intriguing headline. To generate an immediate interest, you can include the most strong or weak aspect of the work in your headline. A controversial twist to a problem guarantees exciting reading. Once you have generated any ideas about your essay, you should write a good thesis statement. If it is effective, it expresses the main idea of the paper. If you can provide evidence on a stand taken or bring a solution to a problem found in the course work, which is being analyzed, your critical analysis essay will definitely be successful and attractive to readers. Another option how to make a good essay is to compare your views with some similar opinions of experts. In this case, your opinion is valued higher, since readers will consider it an expert’s opinion.
An essential part of writing a critical essay is the presentation of an analytic viewpoint. The analysis is a thorough study of the selected subject. The students who have an analytical mind and are constantly using their ability will quickly understand what is a critical essay and will write reviews very quickly and easily. Specifying at certain things helps to make a firm point of view. It takes some time to learn this. One should try to choose the smallest number of issues on which to concentrate. When trying to capture in your essay a big number of questions, you are too distracted from the main issue. In addition, it is better not to introduce new concepts in an essay.
If you wonder how to write a critical essay, you need to develop an original manner of writing. Students must have a lot of practice in writing different kinds of papers, where they could express their own points of view, criticize different works, persuade readers to something, and simply describe the objects in their own manner. Usually when someone writes a critical essay, he/she compares his/her own opinion with opinions of experts, and then evaluates the work of the writer. This way you can express your thoughts successively. In compiling critical essays, it is useful to use persuasive style of writing. You can use the evidence to prove that your opinion is more important than others are. A persuasive style should contain quotations, statistics, diagrams, and different examples.