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The Peculiarities of MLA Essay Format
Modern Language Association recommends using MLA essay format for writing academic works. This style is used for preparing papers in science subjects as well as in Religion. It cannot be said that writing projects in this particular style is more complicated than in another one. You just should know its key features.

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Follow the Given Instructions
Today, you can find a lot of manuals that provide detailed information on how to write academic works in the MLA format essay. If you use them, you will see that new versions are released very often. Nevertheless, you should strictly adhere to the guidelines given by your teacher in order to be 100% sure that you do everything properly. By the way, your instructor may advise you to use one of his guides or a certain online source. All the information about the discussed writing style is very useful for you unless you get specific directions from your professor.
Margins and Spacing Rules
When preparing academic papers in the MLA essay format, you need to make 1 inch margins on all sides. It is a common way of formatting works in this style. Double spacing is applied to text, quotations, references, and notes. In this case, it is much easier to read a certain piece of writing. However, there is one more suggestion of using double spacing. The thing is that previously assignments were submitted on paper and teachers could easily indicate which changes had to be made.
Formatting Citations
According to the MLA citation format, you should use parenthetical citations. It is necessary to reference them on the Works Cited page. Using these citations will help you present information taken from other sources appropriately. You do understand that it is important to cite direct and indirect quotations in a right way. If you have done everything correctly, then there is nothing to worry about while paraphrasing or rewriting quotes.
The Numbers of Pages
Students often think: “What is MLA format? What are the peculiarities of structuring papers in this writing style?” The main thing is not to panic. Draw your attention to the following.
Page numbers are placed in the upper right corner in accordance with the MLA format for essays. The titles of various publications have to be underlined. However, now, it is more appropriate to italicize them. Thus, you need to talk to your professor and clarify this issue. By the way, it is necessary to use the present tense when introducing cited information. The past tense is used in case the quotation is written in it.
What Is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is presenting somebody’s work as your own. Surely, you can say that you introduce your own concepts and they are just alike to those discussed in another person’s paper. If you tell the truth, then there is nothing to worry about. When you take a particular idea from a source, you should reference it properly in compliance with the requirements of the MLA formatting. It is especially essential when you deal with statistical data. Remember that rewriting the papers of other people is also considered to be plagiarism, even if it goes about title only.
Non-deliberate Plagiarism
In case you submit a plagiarized work, you may be suspended from studies. You need to be sure that you have cited quotations correctly. Do not forget about making proper references. Do not rewrite texts without citing them. If you think that you have plagiarized some material, read your work for a few times and try to find similar extracts. When submitting the first draft, you can note where you have taken data and your professor will help you solve this issue. It is necessary to do everything according to the chosen essay formats in order to avoid plagiarism.